Principal Investigator (France)
Dana Rappoport, who obtained her PhD in ethnomusicology at Paris X-Nanterre university in 1997, is currently a fellow ethnomusicologist at the French Center for Southeast Asian Studies in Paris (CASE, CNRS-EHESS-INALCO). Her research deals with music of the Indonesian archipelago, studied by way of formal musicology, anthropology of religion and social organisation. Since nearly 30 years, she has been studying musical traditions through ethnographic fieldworks in Indonesia (Sulawesi, Kalimantan, Flores) and more recently, in East Timor (Atauro).
She is the author of Songs from the thrice-blooded land: Ritual music of the Toraja (Sulawesi, Indonesia) (2009) and the director of the documentary film Death of the One who Knows (Sulawesi, Indonesia) (2020). She takes great effort in making the audio-video material accessible through archiving, and documenting the music in local languages (https://archives.crem-cnrs.fr/search/quick/corpus/?q=Rappoport).