Studied ethnomusicology at the University of North Sumatra, anthropology at the Postgraduate Program at the University of Indonesia, philosophy at the Postgraduate Dryarkara School of Philosophy Jakarta, and Urban Arts at the Jakarta Arts Institute Postgraduate School. I do research and development of art programs in the archipelago, making audio recordings, radio broadcast programs, print media publications, and documentary films of Nusantara arts. I develop arts education programs that increase the appreciation and appreciation for cultural diversity in Indonesia, and I teach at IKJ (Jakarta Arts Institute) Jakarta since 1997. I served as deputy dean, official dean, and vice chancellor of the IKJ academic field. For two terms I became a member of the Jakarta Arts Council (2006-2012) and digitized the Jakarta Arts Council archives. Member of the Indonesian Music Award Classification for three years. Secretary General of the Indonesian Oral Traditions Association 2009-present. Many are involved in the programs of the ministry and government agencies of the Republic of Indonesia.